JPS 2022 Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism
The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS), College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD) of China Agricultural University (Beijing), Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies at the University of the Western Cape (PLAAS), Young African Researchers in Agriculture (YARA), Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC), and the Global South Young Critical Agrarian Studies Scholars (the emerging association of graduates of this annual writeshop) are jointly organising the Fourth JPS Annual Summer Writeshop-Workshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism for PhD students and young researchers (up to 5 years from PhD completion) who are based in or are originally from, the Global South. This is the fourth writeshop and it draws participants from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Download and view the overall programme for the JPS 2022 Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism here.
Wegayehu Fitawek, Ethiopia
Olive Lomokol, Uganda
Patience Itah, Uganda
Guolin Gu, China
María Soledad Castro Vargas, Costa Rica
Enquires may be directed to the following persons:
Ruth Hall, JPS Editorial Collective member:
Chunyu Wang, COHD, Beijing:
Cyriaque Hakizimana: PLAAS, South Africa:
The JPS Summer 2022 Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism is jointly organised by the Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS), College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD) of China Agricultural University (Beijing), Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies at the University of the Western Cape (PLAAS), Young African Researchers in Agriculture (YARA), Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC), and the Global South Young Critical Agrarian Studies Scholars.