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Charity Rusere



Charity Nyasha Rusere is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), at University of Western Cape where she has recently submitted her thesis for examination. For the studies she was awarded a DAAD in-country/in-region full scholarship as part of the Strengthening Capacities for Land Governance in Africa programme.

Rusere is a member of The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA). She is also a member of the Young African Researchers in Africa (YARA) from which she is a recipient of a research grant awarded in 2020. She was selected as one of the Right Livelihood Junior Scientists by The Right Livelihood College, University of Bonn, Germany in 2019.

Rusere has expertise in policy-oriented research, international development consultancy, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development interventions within the agriculture sector. She has previously worked as a researcher at Sam Moyo Institute for Agrarian Studies (SMAIAS) and as an Enterprise Development Manager at Black Umbrellas, a business development incubator. She has also been involved in consultancy work with various international organisations such as Chemonics International and Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA). Her interests are in agrarian change and rural transformation, rural livelihoods, land governance, gender studies and value chain analyses. She holds an MSc degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics and a BSc degree in Agricultural Economics.