Sane Zuka is a Social Scientist whose work focuses on the Anthropology of Development in time, space, and locale. He holds a PhD in International Development from the University of Edinburgh, a MSc in Real Estate from University of Reading, a MA in Development Studies, and a Bed from the University of Malawi. Both the PhD in International Development and the MSc in Real Estate was done under Commonwealth Scholarship. Sane Zuka is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), School of Built Environment where he teaches Land Economics, Land Governance, Agrarian Economies, and Research Methods to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Sane Zuka has ten years of experience in teaching and research at a university level. His research is rooted in the political and social forces that shape polity and practice of development in developing countries, especially in southern Africa. Sane Zuka is particularly interested in the question of natural resource governance (land, forests, water) in southern Africa. Sane Zuka’s current research focuses on how conventional forms of governmentality and environmentality shape policy change, stabilities, and continuities within contested political and social spaces. Sane Zuka particularly sees the current series of precarity as reinforcing established centres of power and hegemony.