Yikwab Yikwabs is currently a Doctoral student with the Department Sociology University of Ibadan Nigeria. He Lectures at Department of Sociology Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State Nigeria. He holds an MSc Degree in Sociology (Criminology and Penology) from the University of Ibadan and BSc Sociology from the University of Jos Nigeria. Yikwab holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from National Teachers Institute (NTI) affiliated to National Open University Nigeria. He is an awardee of the 2021-2022 Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Fellowship by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and 2022-2023 Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship awardee of the same fellowship. He is a research fellow of the French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA) and was winner of the Award of the Embassy of France in Nigeria and Institute of French Research in Africa Nigeria Field Work Grants for Master Thesis (2018). His research interest includes conflicts, victimology, terrorism and policing. He has published with reputable journals. He is a Human Resource Management Associate (HRMA) with certificate of proficiency in Work Ethics, Public Speaking Skills and Marketing Skills.