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Agrarian Politics Podcast

PODCAST Ep 13: Climate politics, carbon offsets and green minerals Agrarian PoliticsFeaturedNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep 13: Climate politics, carbon offsets and green minerals

What is the relationship between climate change and agrarian struggles? As world leaders, and fossil fuel lobbyists, convene for climate negotiations at COP28 (the Conference of the Parties) in Dubai, we talk with Kirtana Chandrasekaran from Friends of the Earth International (India/Scotland) and Emilinah Namaganda of Utrecht University (Uganda/Netherlands) about their work on the political economy of global climate responses.…
December 7, 2023
PODCAST Ep 12: China’s ‘Going Out’ Policy And Global Agrarian Change Agrarian PoliticsNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep 12: China’s ‘Going Out’ Policy And Global Agrarian Change

In this episode we continue our discussion with Yan Hariong, exploring China's 'Going Out policy.' Our guest delves into the intricate linkages between China and other developing countries, highlighting concerns regarding the rebalancing of global geopolitical power. With China's surplus capacity and its reliance on export markets for development, we witness a new geopolitical moment amidst the expansion of the…
December 7, 2023
PODCAST Ep 11: Land, labour migration and pathways of change in rural China Agrarian PoliticsNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep 11: Land, labour migration and pathways of change in rural China

In one of the biggest rural transformations in world history, China’s land reforms through the twentieth century involved first the redistribution of farmland, then farming cooperatives, and collectivisation of land under the commune system. In this episode, we speak with Prof. Yan Hairong, a scholar on China’s rural transformations. She explains how, in the decades after the revolution, initial freedoms…
October 19, 2023
PODCAST Ep. 10: Sustainable rural livelihoods – an approach, not a theory Agrarian PoliticsFeaturedNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep. 10: Sustainable rural livelihoods – an approach, not a theory

What is the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Approach (SRLA) and what is it good for - and what not? In this episode we are joined by Ian Scoones in conversation about this approach which he has been centrally involved in elaborating. Unlike political economy, the SRLA is not, and cannot provide, a theoretical framework, in that it does not contain any overarching analysis of social…
February 14, 2023
PODCAST Ep. 9: Women, fish and COVID impacts on African food systems Agrarian PoliticsFeaturedNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep. 9: Women, fish and COVID impacts on African food systems

COVID regulations have affected the livelihoods of small-scale fishers across Africa - but in different ways. While many have lost out, the effects vary between classes of boat owners, crew, processors, and traders - and each of these roles is highly gendered, with women playing dominant roles in fish processing and fish trade. Restrictions on mobility, cross-border trade and the…
October 15, 2021
PODCAST Ep. 8: Social reproduction, capitalist exploitation and the surplus population Agrarian PoliticsFeaturedNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep. 8: Social reproduction, capitalist exploitation and the surplus population

Social reproduction has in recent years taken its rightful place at the very centre of debates and analysis about the current interlocking crises, including COVID-19, economic inequalities and failed neoliberal developmentalism. A key element in the reproduction of the capitalist system, social reproduction is undertaken by three major institutions, namely the household, the state and the markets. In this episode,…
October 15, 2021
PODCAST Ep. 7: Feminism and postcoloniality: Transcending patriarchy and nationalism Agrarian PoliticsNews & EventsUncategorized

PODCAST Ep. 7: Feminism and postcoloniality: Transcending patriarchy and nationalism

To grapple with patriarchy requires drawing inspiration from anticolonial struggles, recognising the constraints of the neocolonial present and forging a post-patriarchal postcolonial future. In this episode, we speak with Professor Patricia McFadden, a radical feminist, scholar and activist from eSwatini (formerly Swaziland), who spent 20 years in the anti-apartheid and anti-colonial struggle and whose work addresses gender politics and citizenship,…
November 23, 2020
PODCAST Ep. 6: Political Ecology – society, nature and the commons Agrarian PoliticsFeaturedNews & EventsNews & Events Featured

PODCAST Ep. 6: Political Ecology – society, nature and the commons

Inequality and injustice cannot be resolved within society without also confronting the destructive and exploitative relations between society and nature. This is a key argument within political ecology, an interdisciplinary approach that challenges ideas among radical thinkers in critical agrarian studies. In this episode, we speak with Prof. Amita Baviskar, a leading Indian scholar and activist involved with struggles around…
October 13, 2020
PODCAST Ep. 5: Small-scale fishers and the struggle for ‘blue justice’ Agrarian PoliticsNews & EventsUncategorized

PODCAST Ep. 5: Small-scale fishers and the struggle for ‘blue justice’

More than half a billion people in the world depend on fishing for a livelihood. Not only is this resource being depleted, but it has been privatised, with rights allocated to big companies, reducing people's access and in some cases pushing people into criminal livelihoods. In this episode, we talk with two prominent voices on the fishing sector: Prof Moenieba…
September 14, 2020
PODCAST Ep. 4: Issa Shivji on the “new neoliberalism”, nationalism and pan-Africanism (Part 2) Agrarian PoliticsNews & EventsUncategorized

PODCAST Ep. 4: Issa Shivji on the “new neoliberalism”, nationalism and pan-Africanism (Part 2)

In this episode, we conclude our conversation with Prof Issa Shivji, a leading scholar in agrarian studies and pan-Africanism. Drawing on the experience of Tanzania through Mwalimu Nyerere's development project, Issa Shivji analyses the history of nationalism, nation-building and pan-Africanism in the continent. He speaks of the vicissitudes of 'former' neoliberalism and the current "new neoliberalism", while pointing out paths…
August 31, 2020