Mariana Homem de Mello Reinach, is a Brazilian social scientist who graduated from the University of São Paulo (USP), and a PhD student in the Graduate Program of Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society, at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ), where she also graduated with her masters degree. Since 2012 she has been involved with the agroecological movement, mainly through the Brazilian Agroecology Groups Network (REGA), the National Agroecology Articulation (ANA), and the Brazilian Agroecology Association (ABA). Professionally, she worked with indigenous lands monitoring (ISA/SP), quilombola territories regularization (INCRA/SC), and environmental, rural, popular, and formal education (UFSC, UFRRJ, CAEP). As a researcher, she was a consultant for the National Agroecology Articulation (ANA), in a project about municipal policies to support family farming, agroecology, and food and nutritional security. She has also worked as a consultant for Grupo Carta de Belém, on a project to map and critically analyze initiatives on “green economic recovery”. In her PhD, she researches o the decolonial counter-narratives built by Teia dos Povos (The Web of Peoples), a political articulation from Bahia, that brings together indigenous people, quilombolas, landless, peasants, and urban peripheries in the struggle for land, territory, and autonomy. She is also a researcher at the Center of Power Studies (NEP/CPDA), part of the project “”Social ecology of natural resources: biodiversity, territory, and autonomies in extractive capitalism.