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News & Events

Event: Women and Work in the Informal Economy News & EventsUncategorized

Event: Women and Work in the Informal Economy

Where are women currently positioned in the South African labour market? How has this changed over time? How does South Africa compare to regional and global trends? Is the fourth industrial revolution a threat or opportunity for women workers? Join this public lecture, presented by Caroline Skinner (Senior Researcher at the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 27, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: The origins of the Ingonyama Trust News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Seminar: The origins of the Ingonyama Trust

The origins of the Ingonyama Trust Presenter: Hilary Lynd Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley How did 2,8 million hectares of land end up in a trust with the Zulu King as its sole trustee? After the April 1994 elections, the land administered by the other nine homelands came under the authority of the national government. Only KwaZulu…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 21, 2019
NELGA short course in ‘the political economy of land governance’ goes to West Africa News & EventsUncategorized

NELGA short course in ‘the political economy of land governance’ goes to West Africa

Across Africa, the majority of both rural and urban residents have insecure tenure rights, either in law or in practice. They face the legacy of land dispossession, colonial legal codes, contested customary tenure systems, and growing pressure on land in the face of commercial investments. Next week, land professionals from West Africa will meet in Accra, Ghana to get first…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 8, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: Fairtrade and young people News & Events

PLAAS Seminar: Fairtrade and young people

Fairtrade and young people   Presenter: Zachary Kiarie Fairtrade Africa, Head of Region, Southern Africa Network Fairtrade continues to lead among certification schemes in our work to tackle and eliminate child labour and increase the well-being of children and young people. Fairtrade’s approach puts farmers and communities at the centre, enabling them to take responsibility for increasing the well-being of…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 7, 2019
A recap of the JPS Annual Summer Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies in Beijing News & Events

A recap of the JPS Annual Summer Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies in Beijing

Words by Stha Yeni What are the structural barriers that hinder the growth of vibrant, well-networked Global South young researchers working in critical agrarian studies along scholar-activist tradition? Can a global network of Global South young researchers working in critical agrarian studies and along scholar-activist tradition contribute to overcoming such barriers? If so, how? These were the questions that guided…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 1, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: Agrarian Repair: Agriculture, race and accumulation in contemporary South Africa News & Events

PLAAS Seminar: Agrarian Repair: Agriculture, race and accumulation in contemporary South Africa

Agrarian Repair: Agriculture, race and accumulation in contemporary SA   Presenter: Dr Melanie Sommerville Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Geography and Planning, University of Toronto, Canada This seminar examines recent agricultural investment projects in South Africa through the lens of ‘agrarian repair’. ‘Agrarian repair’ proponents present their projects as combining two fixes. First, they seek to repair processes of capital accumulation,…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 1, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: Analysing the dynamics of change News & Events

PLAAS Seminar: Analysing the dynamics of change

Analysing the dynamics of change: Using longitudinal, panel and cross-sectional studies to investigate complex social, environmental and technological issues   Presenter: Dr John Thompson Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK Due to financial and capacity limitations, a great deal of development-related research involves conducting single studies at one point in time. These ‘snapshots’ can provide…
Esté Beerwinkel
July 25, 2019
Call for Applications: NELGA research fellowships on land and gender News & EventsUncategorized

Call for Applications: NELGA research fellowships on land and gender

The Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) is a partnership of leading African universities and research institutions with proven leadership in education, training and research on land governance. NELGA invites its partner institutions’ staff members or students with a background in land governance or gender studies to apply for funding for research fellowships on Land and Gender.…
Esté Beerwinkel
June 14, 2019
Call for Applications: NELGA course on the Political Economy of Land Governance in Africa (12 – 16 August 2019 I Accra, Ghana) News & Events

Call for Applications: NELGA course on the Political Economy of Land Governance in Africa (12 – 16 August 2019 I Accra, Ghana)

Across Africa, the majority of both rural and urban residents have insecure tenure rights, either in law or in practice. They face the legacy of land dispossession, colonial legal codes, contested customary tenure systems, and growing pressure on land in the face of commercial investments. How can land rights and land governance in Africa be strengthened? To address these challenges…
Deshnee Subramany
May 24, 2019
JPS Summer 2019 Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism at China Agricultural University News & Events

JPS Summer 2019 Writeshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism at China Agricultural University

The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS), College of Humanities and Development Studies (COHD) of China Agricultural University (Beijing), and Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) are jointly organizing a new initiative: JPS Annual Summer Writeshop-Workshop in Critical Agrarian Studies and Scholar-Activism for PhD students and young researchers (up to 5 years from PhD completion) who are based in or are originally from…
Deshnee Subramany
May 13, 2019