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News & Events

Farewell public lecture by Prof. Ben Cousins: Land reform, accumulation and social reproduction News & Events

Farewell public lecture by Prof. Ben Cousins: Land reform, accumulation and social reproduction

Land reform, accumulation and social reproduction: The South African experience in global and historical perspective When: Monday, 28 October 2019 from 18h00 to 20h00 Where: Novalis Ubuntu Institute, 39 Rosmead Avenue, Wynberg Rsvp via email to: by 23 October 2019 Programme Director – Adv. Tembeka Ngcukaitobi Professor Tyrone Pretorius, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Western Cape (UWC), invites…
Esté Beerwinkel
October 21, 2019
PLAAS joins Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa as a special node News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS joins Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa as a special node

How do we solve Africa’s land predicament? This a question the Institute of Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) aims to answer through its collaboration with the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA). In recognition of PLAAS’s contribution as a knowledge and training leader in the area of land governance and its years of engagement in promoting NELGA,…
Esté Beerwinkel
October 10, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: Expanding small-scale sugarcane production under crisis conditions in the South African sugar industry News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Seminar: Expanding small-scale sugarcane production under crisis conditions in the South African sugar industry

The big opportunity to expand small-scale sugarcane production under crisis conditions in the South African sugar industry   Presenter: Alex Dubb Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), PhD Student The current crisis in the sugar industry provides an opportunity to protect and expand small-scale sugarcane production with regulatory reform and pro-poor land redistribution – potentially providing 13,000-60,000 minimum wage equivalents in…
Esté Beerwinkel
October 10, 2019
Not-so-super supermarkets: Corporate retailers are killing off the spaza shop economy News & Events

Not-so-super supermarkets: Corporate retailers are killing off the spaza shop economy

A new report on retail competition in the informal sector casts light on structural changes that have contributed to the particular forms of xenophobic violence in townships in recent years. The report, produced by the Sustainable Livelihoods Foundation NPC (SLF), the Centre of Excellence in Food Security (CoE-FS) and the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), is based on…
October 4, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: Unravelling the water question News & Events

PLAAS Seminar: Unravelling the water question

Unravelling the water question: A perspective from rural South Africa Presenter: Dr Michela Marcatelli Postdoctoral Research Fellow Sociology of Land, Environment and Sustainable Development, Stellenbosch University Water access in South Africa remains extremely unequal, despite an ongoing redistributive water reform and the inclusion of free basic water for the poor among the social policies of the country. I argue therefore…
Esté Beerwinkel
September 25, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: The effect of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Seminar: The effect of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

The Effect of Hyperinflation on Asset Poverty, Asset Inequality and Child Health Inequality in Zimbabwe Presenter: Flora M.N. Kurasha, University of Cape Town Hyperinflation began in Zimbabwe in March 2007 and reached its peak in July 2008, with an annual inflation rate of 231 million percent and ended in 2009 after dollarisation. This study reveals hyperinflation’s effects on the well-being…
Esté Beerwinkel
September 16, 2019
Call for Applications: DAAD PLAAS NELGA Scholarship Applications 2020 News & Events

Call for Applications: DAAD PLAAS NELGA Scholarship Applications 2020

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the Institute for Poverty, Land & Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape (UWC), is offering in-country/in-region scholarships, within the Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA). This forms part of the Strengthening Advisory Capacities for Land Governance in Africa (SLGA) programme funded by the German Federal Ministry…
September 13, 2019
Women and Work in the Informal Economy: Collectively challenges can be overcome News & EventsUncategorized

Women and Work in the Informal Economy: Collectively challenges can be overcome

Women predominate in many sectors of the informal economy; their lives, work, and struggles are often invisible to government and to the public at large. Last week, PLAAS and the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences (EMS) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), hosted a public lecture and engagement event which gathered activists and academics to discuss these…
Esté Beerwinkel
September 4, 2019
PLAAS Seminar: Learning as change News & Events

PLAAS Seminar: Learning as change

Learning as change Presenter: Dr Luke Metelerkamp Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University In South and Southern Africa, more than half of the young people are ensnared in a complex and seemingly intractable unemployment crisis that is being driven, in part, by a transition toward a highly industrialised food system. As efforts to address this crisis, while simultaneously renewing efforts…
Esté Beerwinkel
August 29, 2019