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Is nationalisation and state custodianship of land a solution? Agrarian capital, kleptocracy and rural struggles in Mozambique

Presenter: Boaventura Monjane
PLAAS, University of the Western Cape

The Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique establishes that land is state property and cannot be sold, or otherwise alienated, mortgaged or seized. As a universal means of creating wealth and social welfare, access to land was established as a right of all the Mozambican people. However, in land access and use, the “progressive” land law has been breached or manipulated. Traditional or community leaders have been co-opted and fake community consensus and agreement has been fabricated to allow agrarian capital to penetrate. Over the last decade, land conflicts have exacerbated as agribusinesses—in collusion with political and state elites—dislocated hundreds of peasant families. How can such contradictions arise and what are the political reactions from below?

Date: Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Time: 13h00-14h00
Venue: PLAAS Boardroom, 2nd Floor Main Hall, University of the Western Cape

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Babongile Malama Tel: 021 959 3733 or

PLAAS is situated on the 2nd Floor Main Hall at the University of the Western Cape.
