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News & Events

PLAAS Webinar: Legal pluralism and poor implementation hold back women’s land rights in Africa: What can we do? News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Webinar: Legal pluralism and poor implementation hold back women’s land rights in Africa: What can we do?

Webinar: Legal pluralism and poor implementation hold back women’s land rights in Africa: What can we do? Thursday, 27 August 2020 at 13:00 (CAT) Join PLAAS for a webinar on “Legal pluralism and poor implementation hold back women’s land rights in Africa: What can we do?”. From the Beijing Conference held 25 years ago to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in…
August 20, 2020
university of the western cape
PLAAS welcomes new SARChI scholars News & Events

PLAAS welcomes new SARChI scholars

This week marks the launch of the South African Research Chair in Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies which is funded by the National Research Foundation. The chair is held by Professor Ruth Hall, who has initiated a five-year research programme (2020-2024) on dynamics of agrarian change and rural transformations in Africa. The Research Chair will include work on the character…
August 19, 2020
PLAAS Webinar: Zimbabwe: Crisis and Construction News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Webinar: Zimbabwe: Crisis and Construction

Webinar: Zimbabwe: Crisis and Construction Thursday, 20 August 2020 at 13:00 (CAT) Join PLAAS for a webinar on “Zimbabwe: Crisis and Construction” featuring Professor Brian Raftopolous (Research Fellow in the International Studies Group, University of the Free State), Jestina Mukoko (director, Zimbabwe Peace Project), and Dr Toendepi Shonhe (Thabo Mbeki School of Public and International Affairs). The webinar will be presented…
August 18, 2020
PODCAST Ep. 3: Issa Shivji on neoliberalism, working people’s resistance and the role of intellectuals in Africa (Part 1) Agrarian PoliticsNews & EventsUncategorized

PODCAST Ep. 3: Issa Shivji on neoliberalism, working people’s resistance and the role of intellectuals in Africa (Part 1)

In this episode, we speak to Prof Issa Shivji, a leading scholar in agrarian studies and pan-Africanism about his concept of "working people" which refers to a broad range of people living on the margins in both the countryside and the cities. He argues that the class categories of "working class" and "peasantry" no longer accurately describe concrete realities, following…
August 17, 2020
food security coronavirus
Briefing note on “Covid-19 and African food security” News & EventsUncategorized

Briefing note on “Covid-19 and African food security”

Briefing note on “Covid-19 and African food security” The impacts of Covid-19 on food security are complex. While food production continues, the pandemic has profoundly affected farmers, fishers, workers and traders, and the ability of people to buy food. The interruption of food value chains, and regional and global trade, have prompted export bans and other measures to shore up…
August 12, 2020
PLAAS Webinar: What do you mean ‘we’? Activists, academics and NGOs in civil society coalitions News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Webinar: What do you mean ‘we’? Activists, academics and NGOs in civil society coalitions

Webinar: What do you mean ‘we’? Activists, academics and NGOs in civil society coalitions Thursday, 13 August 2020 at 13:00 (CAT) Join PLAAS for a webinar on “What do you mean ‘we’? Activists, academics and NGOs in civil society coalitions”. Many activists have argued that the crisis brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic also presents an important opportunity for change, and…
August 7, 2020
PLAAS Webinar: The gendered impacts of Covid-19: Women in informal work News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Webinar: The gendered impacts of Covid-19: Women in informal work

Webinar: The gendered impacts of Covid-19: Women in informal work Thursday, 6 August 2020 at 13:00 (CAT) Join PLAAS for a webinar on “The gendered impacts of Covid-19: Women in informal work” featuring Ma Lulama (street vendor), Tema Swayimani (agricultural field officer working with smallholder farmers, Mahlathini Development Foundation) and an anonymous small-scale fish trader (together with Malebo Moepi, PhD…
August 3, 2020
PLAAS Webinar: Land reform and the art of government: The role and capacity of the state News & EventsUncategorized

PLAAS Webinar: Land reform and the art of government: The role and capacity of the state

Webinar: Land reform and the art of government: The role and capacity of the state Thursday, 30 July 2020 at 13:00 (CAT) Join PLAAS for a webinar where we discuss the central place of the art of government in land reform and in rural development more broadly. Our guests are Dr Mbongiseni Buthelezi, director of the Public Affairs Research Institute…
July 27, 2020
Briefing note on “African land rights in the time of the coronavirus” News & EventsUncategorized

Briefing note on “African land rights in the time of the coronavirus”

Briefing note on “African land rights in the time of the coronavirus: Perspectives from West, East and Southern Africa” The Covid 19 pandemic has rapidly expanded from a public health to a food and livelihood crisis, exposing the vulnerability of millions of rural people who have limited access to and insecure tenure of land and other natural resources. At the…
July 21, 2020
university of the western cape
Call for Applications: DAAD PLAAS NELGA Scholarship Applications 2021 News & Events

Call for Applications: DAAD PLAAS NELGA Scholarship Applications 2021

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in collaboration with the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape (UWC), is offering in-country/in-region scholarships, within the Network of Excellence for Land Governance in Africa (NELGA). This forms part of the Strengthening Advisory Capacities for Land Governance in Africa (SLGA) programme funded by the German Federal Ministry…
July 20, 2020