THURSDAY 21 April 2022 from 13:00 – 14:00 SAST/CAT
PLAAS invites you to a webinar titled ‘Worsening Climate Chaos and the Challenge of Climate Justice’.
The webinar will be delivered by:
- Dr Vishwas Satgar – the Associate Professor of International Relations, editor of the Democratic Marxism series and principal investigator for Emancipatory Futures Studies in the Anthropocene, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He is a veteran activist and co-founder of the South African Food Sovereignty Campaign and the Climate Justice Charter Movement.
The webinar will be chaired by Dr George Mudimu from the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) at the University of the Western Cape.
The planet changed in 2015 when it heated by 1C since prior to the industrial revolution. We are living on a planet shaped by an unstable climate, driven by intensifying climate extremes, including more droughts, floods, heatwaves, wild fires and cyclones. With further oil, gas and coal use, planetary heating will increase while intensifying these extremes including sea level rise and other feedback loops. We are not at runaway global warming yet but are living in a world of climate chaos. South Africa is heating at twice the global average and is one of ten hotspots. If the world overshoots 1.5C in the next decade we will be at 3C, with many parts of the country unliveable. It is urgent we decarbonise, build new adaptative systems and mainstream climate justice emergency governance. South Africa needs a deep just transition now guided by the Climate Justice Charter, before it is too late. This webinar will explore these issues in greater depth.
Tune in on Thursday 21 April 2022 at:
13:00 South African Standard Time (SAST)/Central African Time (CAT)
12:00 West African Time (WAT)
11:00 Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT) (Ghana)
14:00 East African Time (EAT) (Tanzania)
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