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The Institute for Poverty, Land, and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) is hosting a policy engagement workshop for its latest project titled “Privatisation of customary land and implications for women’s land tenure security and livelihoods in Southern Africa” from 2 to 3 December 2020. The training workshop will focus on high-level policy engagement and communications to promote secure land tenure for women.

This project, spearheaded by PLAAS and funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, will be guided by voices from various civil society partners across Southern Africa including the Zambia Land Alliance (Zambia), Livaningo (Mozambique), Platform for Youth and Community Development (Zimbabwe), and the Nkuzi Development Association (South Africa).

This regional workshop will equip civil society and researchers with policy and communication tools that capture the differentiated nature of rural women along class, age, and marital status. The envisaged outcome is that rural women, policy makers and CSOs across the four countries are supported with the capacity, evidence and platforms needed to promote policy formulation and implementation based on local practices and livelihoods realities as opposed to normative perceptions of land tenure systems.

This project is led by Dr Phillan Zamchiya (PLAAS Senior Researcher), and is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
