Vincent Ahimbisibwe currently works as a District Natural Resources Officer of Kayunga District Local Government, a position that he attained in July 2022 on accelerated promotion due to extraordinary performance as a Senior Land Management Officer in the same organisation and as Physical Planner from Kamwenge District Local government with a background of lecturing at the Institute of Survey and Land Management.
As a District Natural Resources Officer, he has been assigned the following roles:
Reviewing and ascertaining compliance to land use regulations, infrastructure and landscape designs for sustainable development, as well as implementation of work plans and technical proposals in regard to environment protection.
Through all his work life, he has gained different skills and experience that include but not limited to technical skills; he has gained experience in implementing government programmes that are written on paper to the real-life situation. For example; drawing physical development plans, and demarcation of Buffer zones along environmental sensitive areas (River Nile) to reduce erosion and degradation as well as beautifying the landscape; and human skills, that has helped to socialise and interact with people from different backgrounds; conceptual skills that makes him predict the future and preparing for eventualities.