Ms. Ogutu Stellamaris is currently a Land Surveyor at the Rural Electrification and
renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) – West Kenya Region, stationed in Kisumu. Her main area of focus in the route survey and pegging of electricity distribution lines. She also undertakes survey for acquisition of wayleaves for the powerline construction.
In her previously role at the National Land Commission (NLC), she worked as a GIS
Officer where she proved a vital team member that developed the Ardhisasa a National Land Information Management System (NLIMS) in Kenya. She also managed to lead a team in the creation of a public land inventory map using spatial analysed procedures in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
In 2018, Ms Ogutu was awarded a full scholarship with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This saw her pursue her Masters from the Technische Universität München in Germany making her a skilled professional within Land Management and Land Tenure. She undertook her undergraduate in Bsc. Geospatial Engineering – 2013 from the
University of Nairobi, Kenya and is currently a full member of the Institution of Surveyors
of Kenya (ISK), a recognised professional body for Surveyors in Kenya.
Apart from work and studies, Ms. Ogutu loves travelling, photography and urban sightseeing. Among the numerous countries she has visited are: Tanzania, Uganda, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium etc.