Dibe Ayoub obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology (2016) from the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGAS/MN/UFRJ), Brazil. Currently, she is a postdoctoral fellow at the same institution and receives a scholarship from the Rio de Janeiro State’s Carlos Chagas Filho Research Foundation (Faperj). Dibe is a member of the coordination of NuAP – Anthropology of Politics Research Network (Núcleo de Antropologia da Política). She was a substitute professor at the Department of Cultural Studies, Federal Fluminense University (2016-2017), and an assistant professor at the Agrarian Development Research Center, Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ, 2019). Since 2009, Dibe has been working with traditional communities and social movements in Southern Brazil. Her main research interests are conflict, violence, land, politics, gender, human-animal relations.