Afonso Henrique de Menezes Fernandes
I’m graduated in History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Master in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. I am currently in the doctorate course in History at the Fluminense Federal University. Throughout the first semester of 2019, as part of my doctoral studies, I did a doctoral stay in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the Institute of Economic and Social Studies of Contemporary Argentina of the National University of Quilmes.
Curriculum Lattes (Brasil):
Hegemony, Agribusiness and Scientific Field in Brazil and Argentina
In the last years, the agribusiness model has been dominant particularly in the leading countries in the export of agricultur al commodities. As part of the neoliberal pattern of capitalist accumulation, this model has intensified the internationalization of production chains, with a strong market monopoly of large transnational companies. Its worldwide diffusion not only meant transformations at the organizational production process, but also meant changes at a socio-political level among the leaders of the national dominant rural classes, which demanded the construction of a new institutional, ideological and cultural architecture for the dispute of the directions of social and economic development of their countries. Considering that Brazil and Argentina are among the largest exporters of grains and cereals, this research intends to reconstitute the transnational political and academic networks that, during the last thirty years, spread agribusiness as a model of production and hegemonic development of a new globalized rural world. From a comparative perspective we seek to discuss how have universities played an important role in building the internacional hegemony of agribusiness, spreading this model of production wordwide? Therefore, we will analyze the construction of two agribusiness programs (PENSA, linked to the University of São Paulo, and the PAA of the Buenos Aires’ University) based on reports, interviews and publicat ions by their main intellectuals, dialoguing with main studies about agribusiness in Brazil and Argentina, with Antonio Gramsci’s hegemony framework and with the sociological theory of symbolic power developed by Pierre Bourdieu.
Affiliation: Fluminense Federal University, Brazil