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women at market with masks during covid 19
African food systems and Covid-19 Past projects

African food systems and Covid-19

Watch Short Films Ghana South Africa Tanzania The impacts of COVID 19 to food systems in Tanzania Download Policy Briefs SA: Building back better after COVID-19 SA: Sink or swim? How COVID-19 and the responses to it have affected small-scale fishers Ghana: Towards a more resilient agri-food system in Ghana post COVID-19 Tanzanian food producers, vendors and traders need direct…
September 25, 2020
women farming ethiopia
Women’s Land Rights for Inclusive Development and Growth in Africa News & EventsPast projects

Women’s Land Rights for Inclusive Development and Growth in Africa

The project “Women’s Rights for Inclusive Development and Growth in Africa” aims to hold governments accountable on on the implementation of policies and laws on women’s land rights monitoring the nature of policies and the actions they take. The project has focused on women’s land rights in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Togo and South Africa. A scorecard has been…
August 26, 2020