Rochelle Maphoto (BA Law) UP LLB (Unisa) Cert in Legislative Drafting (UP) Cert in Land Tenure Law (LEAD) is currently a legal advisor to the Special Master of Labour Tenants (the SMLT), Professor Richard Levin. The Special Master of Labour Tenants was appointed at the behest of an order of the Constitutional Court of South Africa confirming and upholding the order of the Land Claims Court of South Africa. This followed a harrowing protracted lawsuit between the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) and organized labour tenants assisted by the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA). His role includes amongst others to advise Prof Richard Levin on matters related to his overarching functions of supervising, monitoring and overseeing the functions of the Minister and the Director-General of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) in the resolution of outstanding claims for the provision of security of tenure, the acquisition of land and rights in land to labour tenants in accordance with the requirements of the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act.