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Khonziwe Ntokozo Fortunate Hlonyana

Ntokozo Hlonyana is a Member of Parliament in the parliament of the Republic of South Africa. Representing the 3rd largest political partly in South Africa, The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). She has served both in the 5th and 6th Parliament and has served on the following committees,

  • Portfolio Committees on Human Settlement,
  • Portfolio Committees on Economic Development,
  • Standing Committee on Auditor General,
  • Portfolio Committees on Mineral Resources and Energy,
  • Portfolio Committees on Women, Youth and people with Disabilities
  • Standing Committee on Appropriation (Current)

She is a member of the Central Command Team (CCT) the highest decision making body of the South African Economic Freedom Fighters and has held this position since 2015. She is 40 years old mother of two, a widower and currently resides in the beautiful City of Johannesburg, Gauteng Province in South Africa. She has the following qualifications under her belt, an Advanced Diploma in Public Administration (Finance) from the University of the Western Cape (2020), Executive Leadership Municipal Development Programme (ELMDP) from the University of Pretoria (2011), National Diploma In Sports Management from Durban University of Technology (2006) and Certificate in Sport Management from Boston Business College (Arcadia, Pretoria)(2001). Her passion as a law maker is the achievement of an equal society in the Republic of South Africa by re-addressing the inequalities of the past and ushering economic freedom in our lifetime. It is her belief that for every problem there is a solution, it is a matter of willingness for all those who control the means of production and those who make the laws. The world can change climate change and can address hunger and poverty if all those with power are willing to be the change that is needed in the world.