Henny Hendly Seibeb is the Deputy Leader and Chief Strategist of the Landless People’s Movement (LPM) in Namibia. He is also the Chief Whip of LPM and serves in the 7th National Assembly of the Republic of Namibia. A graduate of the University of Namibia with a Bachelor of Public Management Honours degree majoring in political science from the University of Namibia in 2019. Previously, he was Special Assistant to SWAPO Secretary-General (2009-2012), as well as Personal Assistant to the Minister of Environment and Tourism (2007-2008). He was also a Teacher at Cornelius Goreseb High and Augustineum High School teaching grades 10-12, Environmental Management, Geography and Business Studies. His passion is being involved in advocacy groups and social movements, which has as core of its priorities, issues around poverty, agrarian reform, and inequality. Climate change, moreso drought, land degradation and desertification with the concomitant land dispossession of indigenous and marginalised people occupy his every day thought, research and advocacy work.