Dr Elimeleck Parmena Akyoo has a Professional Certificate in SACCOS Management (2007), Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Education and Extension from Sokoine University of Agriculture (2005), Postgraduate Diploma in Poverty Analysis for Socio-economic Transformation from Institute of Social Studies (2013), Masters in Community Economic Development from Open University of Tanzania (2013). Masters in Management of Development from Wageningen University (2008) PhD in Rural Development from Sokoine University of Agriculture.
Dr Akyoo has served at the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy for twelve years as lecturer, researcher and consultancy in Development studies. He is the currently Head of Department of Management studies and Editor in Chief for AJASSS Journal which is owned and sponsored by Tanzania Institute of Accountancy. December 2016 to February 2017 he was leader in research on challenges and opportunities of out-growers scheme in Kilombero valley, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Dr Akyoo has served at the SIFE International from 2007-2008 in position of Vice President and Project Coordinator. Where he was responsible for organizing Community Support Agriculture to Dutch farmers in Netherlands.
Dr Akyoo has served at the National Network of Farmers Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA) for more than 3 years in different positions. He was a Regional Coordinator for MVIWATA Dodoma, supervising cereal markets, microfinance and Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) project in Dodoma Region. In 2006 he was appointed to supervise Kibaigwa Market and Dodoma SACCO’s Network projects. In 2007 he was appointed to coordinate evaluation of SACCOS funded by MVIWATA in Dodoma, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro and Manyara Regions.
Dr Akyoo has participated in a number of researches and consulting assignments. In 2006 he was one of the two facilitators in a Training of Trainers on SACCO’s management to NGO’s under TANGO which are working in the area of Microfinance. Between November 2009 and February, 2011, he was in a member of four enumerators who undertook a comprehensive data collection for Community Based Microfinance Institutions in Mbeya Region. In September 2011 he was involved in Performance Evaluation of 25 SACCOS under National Network of Farmers Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA) assignment. Dr. Akyoo has published several papers in the area of market access, gender and large-scale agricultural investments, use of improved technology in cereal storage and livelihood studies.