Eileen Wakesho Mwagae, Community Land Protection Advisor, Namati, Kenya & Co-chair of the Scientific Committee of the African Land Policy Conference for 2022.
Eileen is a land and property rights practitioner focusing on women’s land rights. She is NAMATI’s advisor for the Community Land Protection Programme to strengthen land tenure rights for indigenous communities. Eileen previously served as Oxfam International women’s land rights Advisor, has worked with Kenya Land Alliance, Development Policy Management Forum and Kenya Institute for Public Policy, Research and Analysis focusing on women land rights, land governance, land and conflicts. She has co-authored a peer-reviewed book on informal justice mechanisms and formal courts, Kenya and Engagement with Local Communities: Land and Conflict. She holds an MA Degree in Project Planning and Management from University of Nairobi and a bachelor’s degree in Communication. She has published numerous articles on women’s rights to property and community land protection. She is alumni of Political Economy on Land Governance in Africa, and Landesa’s Women Land Rights Visiting Professionals Program in Seattle Washington, and Sydney’s Law School Gender and Transitional Justice Fellowship.