Ms. Moraa M. Mwamburi is a Land Acquisition & Resettlement Specialist, a member of the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya, a Registered Valuer & Estate Agent, and a Registered Associate Expert in Environmental & Social Impact Assessments/Audits. She has a Master of Arts degree in Housing Administration and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Land Economics, both from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
She is currently working as a Senior Land Economist in the Wayleave Acquisition Department of the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO). She has more than 28 years’ experience in the real estate industry and in the last 13 years, she has focused on the acquisition of land, right of way and resettlement of people displaced by the development of high voltage infrastructure in Kenya. Additionally, at KETRACO she serves on both the Strategic Plan Steering Committee and the Research and Development Coordination Committee. Prior to joining KETRACO, Ms. Mwamburi worked as an Estates Officer managing both commercial and residential properties for the National Social Security Fund.
When she is not at work at KETRACO, Ms. Mwamburi is a dance workout and fitness enthusiast who loves spending time reading books.