Loveness Msofi is a Malawian agrarian studies scholar born on 25th April 1986. Her research interests span across agrarian and rural transformation, gender and social differentiation in agriculture, agricultural extension and education, and farming systems and livelihoods analysis. She has just submitted her PhD thesis for examination which is titled: Agricultural extension and commercialisation in rural Malawi: Implications for livelihoods, class and gender differentiation at the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS). Loveness holds an MSc degree in agribusiness management obtained in 2012 from National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) in Taiwan. She also holds a BSc. Degree in Agricultural Extension obtained in 2008 from Bunda College of Agriculture. Loveness is an academic at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) in the Extension Department. She worked with the Ministry of agriculture from 2009-2014 as a women’s programmes officer responsible for gender mainstreaming in Agriculture. Loveness has been involved in a number of research studies in Malawi. She was part of a team of researchers on the Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) which is under the Future Agricultures Consortium. Her role was to analyse gender and social differences in agricultural commercialisation. She was an African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) fellow from 2013-2015. Other fellowships and awards include: The Early Career Fellowship Programme in 2012 and The Thematic Support Fund in 2013, both by Future Agricultures consortium and The Climate Impacts Research Capacity Leadership Enhancement Fellowship in 2016 by the African Academy of Science (AAS).