Lameck Chimwala is a Malawian Real Estate profession. He has a Land Economy degree with the University of Malawi, the Polytechnic obtained in 2014. He is very ambitious, determined and vigorous and he believes that an acknowledgement of God is the first step, and by Him; patience, commitment, dedication, and hardworking lies the success foundation. Throughout his 7-year practice in the real estate, Lameck has aligned his life realising that things do not just come on a silver platter but by sweat and blood.
He is motivated to be the best by providing exceptional services to his clients. Time only tells before becoming effectual. Money alone is not his motivation. Monetary success will follow by good service to clients. And with the Malawi’s real estate industry being marred by amateurish individuals, Lameck focuses on being different in achieving expectations. Lameck is standard oriented and will never allow external influences to lower standards. He has worked for multiple organisations and currently he is a property valuer for iMORRCS Realtech Africa, a company reputable for high quality standards of work for individual and institution bodies in Malawi. In summation, Lameck’s career has been a delightful journey and is striving for more accomplishments by utilising all available opportunities.