Joseph Chiombloa is an Advocate of the Court of Appeal, High Court and subordinate courts thereto save for ward tribunal. He holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law School of Tanzania and is currently pursuing a Masters of Research and Public Policy at the University of Dar es salaam. He works as Senior Programme Officer, leading all programmatic engagements of the Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (LARRRI/HAKIARDHI). Previously, he worked as a Coordinator for the Tanzania Land Alliance (TALA) which is an Alliance of Fourteen (14) Nationwide Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) dealing with land and natural resources rights in Tanzania.
He has been a trainer of Land Rights and Political economy of Natural resources; Facilitate a number of trainings on Land Rights and Village Governance; Facilitate a number of trainings on Climate change mitigation; Facilitate a number of presentations at National and International level pertaining land rights of indigenous people.
He is interested in the global south agrarian question and development debates that created a platform to discuss issues of land rights of small-scale producers mainly farmers, pastoralists, hunter-gatherers and fisherfolks community.