Haswell Mollande is an advocate of land reforms and implementation of land policies in Malawi. He has significantly played a role in the piloting of the implementation of land laws in Malawi which includes titling and registration of customary land for strengthened tenure security. He has centrally worked on creating linkages between the organisation he is working with and the Ministry of Lands in the entire process of developing Subsidiary legislations for the newly enacted land laws. He is also a member of the Large Scale Land Based Investment forum in Malawi where their work is centered on ensuring there is good working relationship between the Investors and the communities. He has also been a key advocate in Malawi on issues of gender and tenure security. He harbours more interests in delivering evidence based research work on land rights governance to inform government policy and programs. Much appreciation to NELGA, PLAAS and the entire organising team for this online course opportunity. The course gives me the opportunity to diversify my knowledge on land governance issues