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Charity Mumaniki

Agricultural Economist


Charity is an Agricultural Economist at the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development under Strategic Planning and Business Development Directorate. She is also a PhD Student in the Department of Agricultural Business Development and Economics in the Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Systems at the University of Zimbabwe. She holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degrees in Agricultural and Applied Economics from University of Zimbabwe. She has more than 8 years’ experience in agricultural policy planning, market and trade development and food value chains. She has researched and written extensively in these areas in Africa with special emphasis in the southern Africa region and has published over 10 publications in high impact referred international journals. She is a fellow of Regional Network of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes (RENAPRI) and member of Association of Agricultural Economists in Zimbabwe. She is passionate about exploring opportunities where she can utilise her skills and advance to contribute on the national, regional and global research platforms, to contribute to capacity building of socio and human capital, technological innovation, transfer and adoption, agriculture and market linkages for improved livelihoods, household and the nation’s food security.