Rwelengera Benezet
Benezet Rwelengera is an Assistant Lecturer of Human Geography at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He is currently a PhD student at Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). His research title is: “Framing Pastoralism-Forestry Relations in Tanzania: Knowledge, Power and Identity.” Broadly conceived, his doctoral work is an inquiry into the production, circulation and reproduction of narratives, discourses and knowledge on pastoralism-forestry relations.
Ben is passionate about drawing from and engaging with African theorists and philosophers in trying to understand pastoralism and forestry from decolonial lenses. Achille Mbembe and Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni feature strongly in his endeavour to interrogate coloniality and the politics of alterity in the subjectivation of pastoralists. Ben also engages with foucauldian governmentality and biopolotics, and Entman’s framing theory. His experience living with the Maasai pastoralists these couple of months has un-shaped and re-shaped his views on conservation and life in general.
Ben holds a Masters in Arts (Geography and Environmental Management) from the University of Dar es Salaam. Prior to starting his PhD, Mr. Rwelengera worked in the Geography Department at St John’s University of Tanzania (2008 – 2016) and then at the University of Dar es Salaam (2016 to date).
As a side note, Ben, a lover of music and travelling, also, volunteers in local (street) government affairs. He can be contacted through: