Rieber Arne
My name is Arne Rieber and I’m a doctoral researcher in the Collaborative Research Centre “Future Rural Africa” at University of Bonn in Germany. Being part of the project ‘Green Futures’, my research focuses on future-making processes around planned (mega-)infrastructure projects in Kenya and to a smaller extent in Tanzania. The impacts of promised but unfinished and unbuilt dam projects (‘ghost projects’) and how they impact visions, fears, anxieties, hopes, opportunities etc. of different actors and the local population will be at the centre of my work in the coming years. The project cooperates in Kenya with researchers and colleagues of the British Institute in East Africa, Kenyatta University and CETRAD.
Before joining University of Bonn in 2022, I spent the last two years working on a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The project focused on aspects around agricultural finance in development cooperation and how finance can contribute to the alleviation of poverty, food insecurity and vulnerability. During my time in the project, I conducted research on social enterprise models in agricultural promotion in Mali (myAgro) and Kenya (One Acre Fund) and on the nexus of land tenure and access to finance in Uganda.
I hold a B.A. in European Studies from University of Bremen, Germany and a M.Sc. Geographical Development Studies from Free University Berlin, Germany.