Elias Gaveta
Elias Gaveta is a Climate Smart Agriculturist with academic background in forestry, food security and climate change. He is currently a student at Mzuzu University pursuing Ph.D. in Transformative Community Development (Food Security and Climate Change). Elias Gaveta is a founder of Conservation Arts Malawi (www.conservationartsmw.org), an initiative that seeks to transform the engagement of youth in sustainable environmental management through use of social-cultural and artistic communication platforms. Elias is a seasoned environmental trainer and programmer with Peace Corps Malawi, a 2021 Climate Ambassador for the Global Youth Climate Network, Laureate Candidate for the One Planet Fellowship offered by AWARD and a fellow for the Leadership in Environment and Development (LEAD).
Crop yield responses to temperature and rainfall variability
Organizing Farmers for Sustainable Food Production while Dealing with COVID-19